Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Progress Report

Clicker training has been going slowly so far. The bunnies are now associating the click sound with "something delicious is going to come" and they look around for their favorite treats if I offer them something they like slightly less. Started branching a little bit into the "put your feet on my leg if you want a treat" category - since it's easy to do with all of the bunnies at once - but haven't explored training with the bunnies individually yet.

Excuse me. We're sleeping.

We may be moving in the near future so I'm thinking of postponing the individual training to when I can actually move them to a different room. They get too excited to focus on clicker training if I move them outside.

Friday, June 15, 2012

New toy!

The binkybunny box arrived yesterday!


They all loved the new Yucca Toy. I stuck pellets and dried cranberries into the tiny holes and they nomed away.

Read through Clicking with your rabbit and started working with the clicker yesterday to start associating the click sound with food. They seem to be taking to it pretty well. I've decided to do this basic food/clicker association with all three at the same time (since I usually give them treats at the same time anyway) and then divide them up for clicker training in the future. Hopefully the weather gets better soon. Currently thinking that the best way to divide and conquer will be to bring the to-be-trained bunny out onto the patio.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

New living arrangements

Still waiting for the happy binkybunny.com box to arrive so we can begin clicker training. Bunny got into Cricket's cage yesterday while I was at work and I came home to terrified bunnies and piles of fluff. Sigh. Cricket has been upgraded back to free range bunny as a result (she had been spending most of her time in an x-pen beside the other bunnies' x-pen) and Bunny and Toby have inherited the extra space. Hopefully they'll all be happier with this arrangement and there will be less fighting and more happy.

Can I help you?

Cricket spent a good portion of time finding the best spot to hang out and finally decided that under the cat tree was preferable to under the chair.

Bunny and Toby haven't really noticed anything different. Too busy eating.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Obligatory introduction

Hi, I'm Toby. I like sticks.
Toby is the only boy in the bunny trio. He is the youngest and newest addition to the bunny family and by far the most mellow, happily content eating and lounging.

Post pellet naptime
Bunny and Toby get along fantastically. They're basically best friends though Bunny is definitely more into their relationship whereas Toby just comes along for the ride.
You can't see me
Cricket is sadly ostracized from the happy pair. Though she probably deserves it for being such a big bully when Bunny was still smaller than she was. Bunny and Toby took to each other almost instantly and Cricket was soon left in the dust when Bunny realized that she no longer had to desperately petition for some bunfection (bunny-affection - bunaffection?). This new partnering has unfortunately left Cricket more anxious and unsocial than ever. Stress bonding hasn't helped the Bunny/Cricket relationship at all but clicker training has a lot of positive feedback in the bunny owner community so that'll be part of our next attempt at a happy bunny trio.